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  • What are some benefits of energy work?
    Energy work puts you in a state of relaxation, which in itself has powerful benefits to your health on all levels. Some additional noted benefits can include: reduction of physical pain, strengthening of the immune system, improved feeling of well being, reduction of stress and anxiety, improved sleep, increased motivation to achieve your goals, recharging of your energy, deepening your spiritual connection, pre and post surgery support, support during radiation and chemotherapy treatment, and it supports the dying process.
  • What can I expect when I come for a session?
    My first session with a new client is always a consultation followed by an initial energy assessment and balancing session. You will fill out a short medical history which can give me great insight regarding the flow of your energy. I love to teach so I spend time each session sharing information with my clients. We always set an intention for the session, a clear purpose, as our thoughts are so amazingly powerful and helpful to our healing. As Dr Dwyer said, “Thoughts share great power and when we focus that on a purpose or goal amazing things will happen.” So, we always set an intention for the session. I then have my client either sit in my recliner or lay on my massage table. You remain fully dressed. I do an assessment of your energy system determining where any imbalances may lay. If it is okay with you I will also incorporate the use of essential oils. Each individual session is unique using a blend of learned energy modalities and my own intuition and is always done with my clients highest good in mind. After the session is complete I allow time for you to begin to integrate the work before leaving. We talk about the session and I often give suggestions on things you can do at home that will help continue the healing process.
  • How do I feel after a session?
    I think the statements from a couple of my clients may sum it up the best….One young lady asked me if her jeans looked baggy after her session as she felt so light.… another client told me that she was going to schedule her appointments with me prior to her weight watcher meetings as she felt so much lighter and was sure the scale would be more favorable… Many people say that they just feel amazing, refreshed, lighter, and have a sense of heightened energy and improved clarity. On occasion, a client will say that they may feel a bit more fatigued after a session or the evening of. This can be completely normal as the body is in a state of energy change. Everyone is different and some feel a change immediately while others may notice a change a few days down the road. Typically clients experience various degrees of body, mind, and/or spiritual peace and relaxation, which allow them to release the effect of the stress that they are experiencing.
  • How often should I come for energy work?
    I will offer guidance and suggestions on what I feel would be helpful depending on your individual needs. If a client has a more acute issue such as pain, has an upcoming surgery or facing cancer treatment for example, I often recommend more frequent sessions to start. I also advise people to pay attention to their own instincts. I believe that your own intuition will help to guide you as to when you are ready for additional work. For some people a single session can be all that they need. Others will feel the need for additional sessions. It can take time for the energy to integrate and I ask my clients to be aware of not only obvious changes they may notice, but subtle ones as well.
  • Do you offer hospital and home visits?
    Yes and yes. I do make hospital visits and have made home visits to clients that are not able to make it to my office.
  • Are you a psychic or medium?
    I do not consider myself as such. I am, however, very connected to the spiritual realm. I am a believer of angels and a Higher Power which I refer to as God. I allow myself to be open to any loving guidance that may be given to me to help my client and am always in awe of this myself. I do not, however, guarantee this with any session.
  • How do you describe healing?
    My interpretation of healing means to be made whole. It has been described as coming home... physically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. You are in balance on all levels and are in alignment with your own truth.
  • Do I follow with my medical or psychological provider while getting energy work?
    ES!! Energy work and therapeutic aromatherapy are complementary therapies only. You must continue with your medical team and follow their advice. An energy worker or aromatherapist does not diagnose, treat, or prescribe. Any reputable energy worker will include this information to their clients.
  • Is energy work a form of religion?
    ABSOLUTELY NOT! I see people of all faiths and religions, and am respectful of their own spiritual journeys. This work is about the power of love, compassion, and the beautiful healing power of touch.
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