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  • Writer's pictureAbby Jones

Our Energy Anatomy: Chakras, Auras & Meridians

Updated: Dec 11, 2018

In our Western culture we are all familiar with the terminology used to describe the workings of our physical body. The cardiovascular system is used when talking about our heart… our central nervous system relates to our brain, spine, nerves… gastrointestinal system relates to our stomach and intestines,…. and so on. It is common, well understood terminology. But what about our energy anatomy and systems? In our current culture there is no language that is easily understood for this. So, just as you would have a problem if a blood clot was lodged in your leg and caused an obstruction, you also could have a problem if your sacral chakra becomes clogged. So what is the energy system consist of?

Although there are more complicated teachings on the energy system, I will give an overview of its three most basic components from my training.

MeridiansIn traditional Chinese medicine, a meridian is a pathway in which energy (qi) is channeled throughout the body, similar to how blood is carried through our arteries. They are mapped out within our entire body and affect every organ and all systems within us. However, they are non-physical, meaning you will not see them on medical imaging. Acupuncture uses the meridian system to restore the proper flow of energy and balance. Needles are placed through the skin at strategic points of the body. Its basis is if there is an imbalance in this flow of energy, physical illness can follow. Acupuncture is becoming more accepted with in western medicine and some insurance companies will pay for this treatment.


The aura is also referred to as the human energy field (HEF) or bio-field. It is actually a multi-layered field of energy that surrounds the physical body. Each level corresponds to a major chakra. It brings in the energy we need and filters out the many of the energies that we are exposed to. The dimension of our auras can correspond to our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual states and can change accordingly. For example, I often find that when a client comes to see me for acute pain, whether emotional or physical, the bio-field is often times felt close to the physical body . Where as if a client is feeling well, happy, and spiritual, the fields are full and expanded.


I often describe chakras to my clients as our energy distribution centers. They allow a person to receive energy and then transform it for our use. They are cone shaped energy vortices where energy exchanges occur. They interface the physical body through the major endocrine glands, are related to specific neural plexus, and are the master switches of energy disbursement throughout us. Although there is literature varying on the number of chakras, I focus on the seven major chakras that are most commonly recognized. The names of the chakras are as follows: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Brow, and Crown. I will have further information on each of these chakras on my ongoing blog.

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