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I welcome you to my website where I offer information as an complimentary health care practitioner. This disclaimer contains important information for you to understand.


All information I have on my website and my ongoing blog is for educational information only and is not to be considered as medical or psychological advice. I do not diagnose, treat, or prescribe any physical or mental illness. As for the clients I care for, you are advised to continue treatment with your medical team. I never make any claim to cure or ameliorate any health condition. I make every effort to make this site as accurate as possible. The information is obtained from my own research, experiences, and training. I always encourage my clients and all who visit my site to do our own research and formulate their own truth.


Any links that I provide on this site is only included for your convenience. I do not endorse these sites and do not have any responsibility for their content. Testimonials on this site are received by email submission. They are true individual experiences. Individual experiences and results do vary and I never claim to offer typical results.

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